Unity, Chan stressed, “has to start with Christ it has to start with, ‘Wow, I was created in the image of the triune God.” If we did, we’d find ourselves on our knees, in tears,” he said. “With all the fighting, we talk so much, we have pressure to talk so much - we don’t know how to quietly be in awe of Almighty God together. The Crazy Love author emphasized the power of silence, citing Exodus 14:14, which reads “14 The Lord will fight for you you need only to be still,” and Proverbs 10:19: “When words are many, transgression is not lacking.” We're getting further and further away from what God wants.” And I just saw the Church getting worse and worse, and I would see the way people would bash each other. And I see how Ephesians four says that we actually grieve the Spirit of God by our disunity. This is why Christ died on the cross to make the two one.

“When I look at Scripture, I see how much God wants unity. Though he didn’t want to write another book, the bestselling author felt compelled to do so after seeing the severe lack of unity among believers. “I do think divisions have obviously gotten much stronger and more widespread,” he said.Ĭhan shared that his latest book, Until Unity, was inspired by John 17, where Jesus prays for unity among the Body of Christ. “It’s this overwhelming flood of opinions that we have here in the West that you almost don't realize it until you get out.” “I don't know if it's the pandemic or just getting away from America, but you come back and you realize, ‘Wow, every individual is super opinionated and super sure of themselves and they're right and you're wrong about everything,’” Chan reflected. I avoid a lot of that just because I'm trying to be sober-minded and self-controlled so that I can pray because I believe the end is near.”Ĭhan, who recently returned to the United States after spending a year church planting in Hong Kong, said that he was shocked by how much more divided the country has become over the last year. We try to scream louder and get more creative with the noise.

and in the Christian Church, we've become busier and busier. “Right now, there’s so much noise and information and entertainment. We wake up and we just want to see what's going on,” the former California megachurch pastor told Exponential CEO Todd Wilson on Thursday.

Pastor and bestselling author Francis Chan has criticized the Western Church for its lack of unity and obsession with busyness, stressing that the power and witness of the Body of Christ hinges on its oneness. Francis Chan appears in an interview with Exponential CEO Todd Wilson on April 8, 2021.